Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 2

Hey there!
Wow! Yesterday was AMAZING! I had high expectations for Persist and it still exceeded all of them! I left with so much more knowledge than I started and its only the first day!!!
But lets talk about what actually happened from the very beginning. I got here and posted my first entry and then met with Matt and Moriah and the other two interns Bethany and Micah(wow that's a lot of "M" names!) and they gave us the overview of Persist. Then we went into the prayer room and remember how I told you that they wanted me to lead the first hour? Well I did and it was awesome! The presence of God totally met us there! I used the prayer in Ephesian's 3:16 as my base and it went really well to my surprise.
We then prayed for another half hour by ourselves and then can back together for midday prayer, which was interesting and I actually learned how to correctly "cross" myself isn't that sad?
Then we went to lunch and ate with the other staff at AHOP and some of the Artist's at Imagine Art which is a non-profit for Artist's with mental and physical disablities, that shares the building with us. Then for some down time we went down the street to play on a trampaline and we played Blind Man's Bluff and I was so scared I'd fall off since there was no net, but I didn't.
Then we came back and got back in the zone, with teaching a lesson about the Prophetic which was really interesting. Mr. Matt taught it and we had another staff member named Will come and do an activity with us! It was kinda weird the way we did it because all the things we heard from God didn't really fit together, but Will said that was okay and we would find meanings for the things we heard, later on.
Then we went back into the prayer room and prayed another to hours of solitary prayer and study. They gave us four books and assigned us the first one "The Way of the Heart" and the is about Desert Spirituality and Contemporary Ministry, and it was talking about solitude and how important it is to have a time in your day where you tune everything out and just be silent and listen to God and you will discover a lot of things about yourself.
By that time it was four o'clock and our first day was over. I can't believe how good it was and how much I learned! I thought that praying for four hours would be extremely difficult, but it proved to be not as hard as i thought, but more peaceful.
Well I'm ready to start Day 2! I'm not sure how I'm going to handle another four hours of prayer, but God knows what He is doing and will help me if I get weary...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Callie!
    Wonderful to hear what all you're doing. Sounds like you're being s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d...

    MUCH love,
