Monday, June 28, 2010

Treasure Hunting Stories

Hey its me again!

When we started out on our treasure hunt, we were all a little nervous. But once we got started we saw that we had nothing to be worried about. We all piled into the car and headed out for Highland Mall. It was about 11am when we got started so the mall wasn't too crowded at that time which was nice so that it made our clues easier to find.

When we got in the prayer room to find our clues, I had gotten Earthbound Trading Company, and thought it was kind of strange but put it down anyway because they say the weird ones make for the best stories. Anyway, we went into highland mall and the first store we noticed when we walked in was an Earthbound Trading Company! So we went inside, and I didn't feel led to pray for anyone in there so we left and decided to come back later and try again. We started walking further into the Mall and passed by a clothing store where Will saw a girl that looked familiar to him, and of course Will said hello and told her about treasure hunting and asked her if she would like prayer. And she said yes right away and we each prayed for her for a minute or two and then when we finished she turned around and prayed for us! It was really cool to have our first person be so open to recieve! That really encouraged us.

Next we went into Macy's and we ran into a Muslim woman that to our surprise was open to us blessing her! And then Will and this woman talked awhile about beliefs and the after life and I liked listening to them talk it was very educational on the different sides of our religions.

Then we walked out and Moriah saw a man in a red shirt with writing on it and that was one of her clues, so we followed this man and his buddy into a shoe store and asked them their names 'Jesus and Isreal' hehehe God is funny sometimes. Well the man in the red shirt was Isreal and we prayed for him first and blessed him and then we prayed for his pal Jesus afterwards and they were really nice and we talked to them for awhile.

Then Will ran into another person he knew (the man has connections) and we prayed for him too and blessed him, we prayed for money to find that the guy already had some. hehe But he was super nice and open.

Then we were going down stairs and Bethany saw a lady talking on the phone and we waited for her to finish so we could approach her. Well me and Bethany went to pray for the lady by ourselves and she didn't want prayer, but said 'That's okay!' and left.

Will thought that we should try going to Earthbound again and we headed back there. Right when we got into the store I saw a man and woman that I had seen earlier in the day and felt God say to pray for them but they looked really like people you DON'T want to approach (especially if you know me(5' 2" and very slender) so I just said no and kept walking. But when I saw them again in Earthbound I knew God really wanted me to pray for them. Right away Will asked me "How do you feel? Do you want to pray for anything?" and I pointed at the man and woman and started walking towards them and Will followed close behind. He stood next to me as I did all the talking, explaining who we were and what Treasure Hunting was, and why I felt led to pray for them, and with every word I spoke the man backed further and further away from me. He said that he was athiest and it was okay if we prayed there, but walked away. I felt so much love for that man and woman that I couldn't help but start praying for them right there! I could feel such resistence from God and it made me so sad, I desperately wanted them to know Gods love and I prayed that over them. I don't know what happened to that man and woman but I hope they've experienced some form of God's love since Thursday.
We left the mall then and went outside and earlier in the morning Bethany and Micah had both gotten the same image of a boy sitting alone on a bench and he was sad and we never found him so Will sat down on the bench and we prayed for the boy there. Praying for that boy we didn't know made me realize something I never had before: How many times have I been sad or needed prayer and God showed someone far away that had no idea who I was, a picture of me and placed it on their heart to pray for me??? Like just the idea that God loves me so much that He would ask someone to pray for me when I live thousands of miles away!!!! That's amazing! I mentioned that thought to the group and Will said something interesting too: "Paul is praying for you now, he said that when he was praying, he was praying for all the saints, so that is people that believe in God even thousands of years later!" Crazy right!
Treasure Hunting was awesome! I can't wait for this weeks trip! And to go treasure hunting in KANSAS CITY!!!

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